Volume 18 - NÂș 220 - April/2024 ISSN - 1809-3957

SODEBRAS is indexed by Diadorim and Miguilim. SODEBRAS, an online journal registered with ISSN 1809-3957, holds a B2 qualification in the QUALIS classification by CAPES. Our journal covers various fields of knowledge.

There is a trained team in every major area who review the papers, however, as requested in the term of responsibility, the authors are solely responsible for the material included.

Submitted full papers can be published only in our Journal, and they are received continuously during all the year. When submitted, the paper will be peer-reviewed by our Committee to be accepted for publication. Afterwards, it will be published in up to 4 months after being accepted in the SODEBRAS Online Journal.

Our Journal has the support of UNALAR (www.unalar.com.br) which has been on the market for more than 24 years.

SODEBRAS Online Journal Organization
SODEBRAS Journal is an online monthly publication.
The published papers are the sole responsibility of the authors. The content of this Journal is carefully reviewed; however, we assume no liability for any errors. If there are errors in texts or designs, it will be published incorrectly the first time.