Important dates: XLVI International SODEBRAS Congress September 04, 2024 to September 06, 2024 Hotel Manhatan Porto Alegre - RS

until July 31st, 2024
1st call - until April 30th
2nd call - until June 15th
3rd call - until July 31st
Participation in the Congress
Listener R$ 600,00
1st Paper R$ 1000,00
1st Paper R$ 1200,00
1st Paper R$ 1400,00
Additional Paper R$ 500,00
Additional Paper R$ 600,00
Additional Paper R$ 700,00

Important information:

- Registration fee as a congress attendee includes attending the presentations and the Congress Participation Certificate.

- All papers must follow the strict formatting requirements of the SODEBRAS Journal (Header format and the following sentence at the end of the paper: “Copyright: The author(s) is(are) solely responsible for the material included in this paper.”) and must be in DOC format.

- Papers must not exceed 6 pages and 1 MB.

- Papers may be published in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French, but the Abstract must also be included in English.

- Click on the links to view the templates:

About submission process:

If prior acceptance is required:
1st - send the abstract, according to the template, to the email;
2nd - wait for confirmation of acceptance, estimated period of 2 days, make your registration;
3rd - submit your full article by the deadline, if you want it to be evaluated.

If you prefer to send the full article directly:
1st - submit the full article, according to the template, to the email;
2nd - wait for the reviewers' considerations, estimated period of 15 days;
3rd - perform your registration.
4th - if you prefer to register early to guarantee discounts, it is also possible.

About registration process:

The registration process will be open until July 31st, 2024.
Please, take into account the following instructions:
Go to Registration option in the Start Submission menu in order to get information about registration fees and payment methods..
Fill out the following registration form.
Send the registration form to,,
Remember that papers without registration and payment won’t be included in the SODEBRAS Journal.


Certifications will be delivered to the participants after its presentation.

Estão abertas as inscrições para o próximo Sodebras Congress. 1ª chamada até 31 de agosto; 2ª até 30 de setembro e 3ª até 25 de outubro. Participe!

Atualizado por:Profa Dra Maria Claudia
Data: 09/07/2020

Inscreva-se no XLII Sodebras e receba e-book "Energias Renováveis e Aplicações" do Prof. Dr. Teófilo e poderá escolher um dos minicursos GRÁTIS!

Atualizado por:Maria Claudia
Data: 23/03/2020